There is a place at last for people trying to work on arduHAB ! It seems new, as the topic is dated January 2012.
Here are the different links I have found :
- The topic on DIYDrones
- Daniel Nugent 's forum : has already investigated the possibility of a glider in autopilote mode, returning home, with the gravity problems, lack of air density etc..
- Cuddy has already some background about GPS lock at such high altitudes
- tuckerobie seems to know about people on the forum working on the plane concept
- Ken seems to know about NMEA and different configuration of GPS
- Art Whaley knows how to configure ardupilot along with standard NMEA GPS
- Monroe seems to be working on rocket guidance, and has been working with HAB
- balloomerang project as part of the iHAB project : "a long terme effort to design and build a HAB vehicule/payload with autonomous flight capabilities".
And there youtube channel :
- Larry Grater also works on GPS stuffs
- Another page dealing with the same kind of information (CONOPS)
- : A wiki page for us
- A similar german project :