
mercredi 15 février 2012

Wiki for HAB community and people involved in the same idea

I feel like I just found the right community tonight..

There is a place at last for people trying to work on arduHAB ! It seems new, as the topic is dated January 2012.

Here are the different links I have found :

  • The topic on DIYDrones
  • Daniel Nugent 's forum :  has already investigated the possibility of a glider in autopilote mode, returning home, with the gravity problems, lack of air density etc..
  • Cuddy has already some background about GPS lock at such high altitudes
  • tuckerobie seems to know about people on the forum working on the plane concept
  • Ken seems to know about NMEA and different configuration of GPS
  • Art Whaley knows how to configure ardupilot along with standard NMEA GPS
  • Monroe seems to be working on rocket guidance, and has been working with HAB
  • balloomerang project as part of the iHAB project : "a long terme effort to design and build a HAB vehicule/payload with autonomous flight capabilities".

lundi 13 février 2012

Two first launches configurations

After many month of search and comparison of previous projects, technology, and reading back my telco undergraduate books, here's at last the definition of the two first launch about to take place :

First launch main goals: 

  • Send and receive telemetry data using an arduino board
  • Record videos from the onboard gopro on an onboard sdcard
  • Stabilize camera recording using an onboard gyroscopic plateform built on ardupilot
  • Ssend servo commands to the arduino board so that the gopro (on a pan/tilt mechanism) moves as I move my joystick on the ground
  • Communication distance targeted : 33km LOS
  • Frequency used : 868Mhz using Zigbee pro protocol (or alternative if more suitable, but at the time being, the best identifed.. there are a number of problems with this protocol.. I am aware of it.. )
  • Reception and live monitoring of position, angle of incidence, speed, external and internal temperature on a ground station using HK Ground Station

Second Launch main goal :

  • live transmission of HD video on the ground using digital COFDM modems and a gopro as video camera

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